Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 15

Hi Bloggers.
I figured it was time for another post on this little blog of mine. As an update to those who actually care, yesterday I reached the 10 lb mark, so I only have 65 Pounds to go. YAY (Not going to think about it - that number is too daunting)! Based on the math, I should be at my goal by May 5th, with is basically 3 months away. It has been very hard at some times, but I just Keep remembering how I do not want to lie on the beach in florida over the summer and have a lumpy ass and bulges over my bathing suit. I decided that eating delicious crap food isn't so delicious and that I definitely do not need to have alcohol to have fun.

Last night was college night at this amazing club in downtown Greensboro College called Inferno. I was not planning on going because I was having just one of those shitty days where all I wanted to do was snuggle up in bed with a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream and watch The Notebook. However, Once I had has a great nap on the couch and saw how many people were going, I realized that going would be the best thing I could do for myself. So I got changed about 5 times until I found a cute outfit - rule of thumb, even though they're cute, 2 inch heel boots are not the most sensible shoes to wear when you are going to dance for 3 hours at a club (I've got a blister to prove it). Anyway, I danced all night with this really great guy, who happens to be gorgeous, who protected me from all the skeezy men who were hitting on me and trying to grind up against me during "Black and Yellow". To any who are curious, Dancing in a club is a great cardio work out and it definitely helps to have a cute guy with you the whole time to completely take your mind off the fact that your calves are burning and your feet are blistered.

I realized that It wasn't the end of the world that I couldn't drink buttery nipples or kamikazes with my favorite girl friends, because honestly water was exactly what I wanted al night to hydrate, and even though the sandwiches at Jimmy Johns smelled delicious, and I saw all my friends munching eagerly on Turkey Club subs or a BLT with extra B, I saw the bread and realized that if I decided to make the stupid mistake and cheat, I would not only irreparably fail my diet and my plan to change my life would be ruined, but the bread would make me depressed and tired, and that didn't seem appealing at all. Also, I had no money on me since my little 5 dollar bill that I put in my bra for safe keeping - all girls consider their bras the safest place for money, or at least most of them - and it disappeared. I Guess it isn't the safest place after all....

Anyway, today is day 15 and I need to make sure I lose 5 pounds by next wednesday to stay on track. I finally have money so I can buy groceries and do my yoga again, because I definitely missed it. I might end up buying a dvd though - still pondering that...

Anyway, that is the latest gossip from the Teenage Immigrant on the Road to Becoming a Skinny Bitch :)

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