Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day Ten

So, I have been on the Rami Cohen Diet for a little Over a week now. It is incredibly strict and requires more self control than anything else I have ever done in my life so far. I finally realized it was the right time in my life to get with the picture and finally buckle down and lose this weight that has been giving me a big butt, thunder thighs and an outrageous muffin top that NEEDS to go before the summer. So this week I have been having to really prove to myself that I have the self control and that this time I will reach the goal I've had since I was 15. I just keep telling myself that this will all be worth it when I have a brand new wardrobe from Anthropologie! This week I have been doing really great, So I feel really proud of myself.  I have been pre-weighing all my food and not cheating, despite the fact that I have been repeatedly offered chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate, and the tempting aromas of cook-out burgers and french fries. Sometimes I look at something and am so tempted to eat it because it looks so good, but then I catch myself when I realize that even though nobody would know if I cheated but myself, and to me, I no longer want to have to have to endure anymore self-loathing when I look in the mirror and realize that I cannot wear the kinds of things I desperately want to wear.

So, as an amusing anecdote to begin the adventure, last week I was in management lab and I really didn't want to eat salad for the fourth day in a row for lunch, so I quickly ran back to my room so I could steam some fresh white organic cauliflower in my pampered Chef steamer, and smother it in mozzarella cheese with a little dash of chicken spice, salt and pepper for flavor. I put it in a little blue Tupperware hoping that I could secretly eat it without anyone knowing. However, apparently as soon as I opened it up, a strong smell of fresh cauliflower permeated throughout the room - which was a bit warm and stuffy to begin with - and stunk up the whole room. I had the sniffles that day so I could not smell anything. I could only taste it and it was really good. I felt really horrible because apparently it smelled like rotten sauerkraut and was getting worse as the room got warmer. Thank goodness it gradually got better and that everyone got used to it or they left. It was hilarious that my teacher, David, likes sauerkraut so it didn't really bother him. Hopefully I never have to deal with that situation again. I just need to finish getting all my ducks in a row and make sure I organize all my meals so I don't stink up any more rooms.

Also, as a final note, I just bought a copy of Skinny Bitch, and it has become my inspiration, except for the fact that i am definitely not going to stop eating meat. I will remain a carnivore until further notice.