Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day Eleven

Day eleven as gradually coming to an end on the Rami Cohen diet, and it has been an interesting day. Last night my new roommate and I had a few friends over to out faux apartment - it is a suite in the off campus dorm - and it was an absolute blast. All of us were 21 or older, so there was a fair amount of alcohol being consumed by everyone...except me, which I never realized how much it can make you feel like an outsider. Since alcohol and caffeine prohibits weight loss, I cannot drink any alcohol or coffee until i reach my goal. It is not too bad, but definitely makes the evening interesting.

Anyway, this morning, a Sunday, I woke up at 9 am. Yes, I know that may seem absolutely insane to some people, but breakfast was calling. The downside of this diet is that you are supposed to wait 5 hours between each meal with protein, and it is not "allowed" to eat after 9pm. Therefore, the later I eat breakfast, the later my lunch and diner are, and i have to make sure that I do not eat breakfast after 10, otherwise my whole day is thrown off balance. Anyway, This morning I had a grapefruit with organic plain yogurt sweetened with Stevia in the Raw sweetener. I have officially stopped using Splenda, because apparently it contains methyl alcohol - highly toxic - and arsenic (aka POISON). Considering that I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my plain yogurt reminds me of Elmer's Glue because it looks somewhat like paste, I  cannot handle the thought of eating paste laced with arsenic. Sorry Splenda, but I have jumped off your poisonous bandwagon and hopped onto the Stevia train. As far as sugar substitutes go, it definitely wins the gold medal in my book. Now that the Splenda dilemma is out of the way,  it was great that I could eat my grapefruit while I used my fancy new grapefruit spoons. They have a blunt serrated edge on both sides and it makes it super easy to eat.

Later on, around 3pm, I realized I needed to eat some lunch. Because I had spent the whole morning cleaning, taking out trash and doing loads and loads of laundry, I realized that I had to make something quickly because I had to rush to rehearsal. Unfortunately my time management was severely poor this afternoon, I had to settle on eating a big block of mozzarella cheese and thick slices of cucumber. It was delicious, but i did receive some interesting looks when I started nibbling on a big block of cheese, so at that point I slightly re-evaluated my choices and decided that next time I should definitely make time to make a salad. However, after rehearsal, I came back to the room only to find my new roommate heating up some sort of lasagna left over from Macaroni Grill, and the delicious smell of Italian food permeating throughout the room made me honestly question why I was doing this. Sometimes it is impossible to have to walk away from all the scrumptious foods that you have been consuming for your entire life. This better all be worth it in the end, otherwise I will be very disappointed and will be haunted by the evil food craving monster that made me miserable in the first place. It is a vicious circle that has no end, unless the circle is forcefully broken - which is what I am trying to do...

Just some food for thought. And speaking of, I see that it is time for dinner. Time to pull out my handy frying pan and steamer :)

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