Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 55

Hi Fellow Readers

I know I haven't been writing in a while so I figured I should let you know where I am. I have been on this diet for a little under 2 months now, and I have lost 22 lbs. It is not as much as I would have liked to have lost this far along, but my body has been continuously plateauing trying to fight the diet. It is like the diet is a cruel adult trying to pry away a teenagers' comfort blanket, pillow or stuffed animal that they've had since childhood. Once again my own body continuously is trying to sabotage itself. And over SETC, I unfortunately have to jump off the diet wagon while I was at the convention, because lets just say that the hotel was not diet friendly. They should have had a sign on the door in neon lights saying "Gluttons welcome!Get Fat Here!". So,  I didn't lose any weight that week, but i made up for it over spring break. But no worries! This soon to be skinny bitch is back on track and doing better than ever.

In other news, I have started eating eggs! Yes I know. I know I said I never would and I stuck to my guns for the past 10 years, except for quiche and cheese souffle, but that doesn't count...haha. I still am nowhere close to eating soft/hard boiled or scrambled eggs, but I have grown an appreciation for tomato, onion and spinach omelets. I have perfected my recipe and made a very good one this morning. I felt very proud of myself :) It is like I am tricking my brain to think I am eating something other than eggs :) SO far it has worked very well...

I don't really have anything else to say - I'm way too interested in this yummy mango I'm about to eat. I bought a peeler at William-Sonoma yesterday so I could peel the yucky outer skin of the mango and enjoy the orange goodness inside :) Ahhh! The sweeter things in life can make a gloomy chilly day a little bit brighter.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know :) I appreciate all the feedback.
